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Savannah in the South Carolina task, where the Savannah River and the Atlantic Ocean into the normal range. Including 75 km of land, the public has been declining in recent years. The estimated resident population of 128,453 in 2005, down 2.3% from the 2000 U.S. Census. In the 1990s, the city lost another 4.7% of its people. Not the savannah and high population density and Georgia cities. Found the largest African American community in the country where more than 60% of the population with one of the cities. Non-Hispanic whites living, the other 34% of the cost. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average age of the population 32 years and 4.4 years on average less than U.S. statistics. In the city, the family, up to 59 city residents is 2.4% of households.
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Take-home wages Savannah is very low. Median household and family income over $ 15,000 on average, than the national average. Annual household income of $ 30.887, than the U.S. average of $ 46.242. Many retirees and the transfer of a good social security benefits and Savannah about 30% of urban households, is drawing income. Savannah has a low unemployment rate, 3.1 percent employment growth and a slight but steady increase in 2005, especially in the service sector. As of 2004, is the largest number of employment opportunities for women in the field of health care in 19% of the female workforce. In the men's top cover 13% of their work. As a national right to work, housing, the average net worth is low. Has been the establishment in the hotel industry, port services, tourism, conference, information technology and the recent focus. 22.8% of people with high poverty rates that Savannah anorexia by the government estimate.
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Manufacturing is the economy such as the Gulf Stream Space Station Savannah, and International Paper, Georgia the largest part of the Pacific. With the city's history and charm, the rapid development of the tourism industry, nearly 600 million passengers per year increase of more than $ 15 billion economy. Savannah also supports hunters and military airport, which is located within the city limits in the military field. Integrated in the Army Infantry Division at Fort Stewart in part 40 miles away. Together, and find 22,000 soldiers and government facilities, 3,500 civilians. With its port and shipping port in Savannah Center, the country's fifth-largest container port. Designated Foreign Trade Zone, the port is a major distribution point.
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