On 20 February 1943, cracks began Dionisio Pulido's field. Got swollen earth shaking trees. Appearance of the earth lifted himself to a height of 150 feet. The trail began to create a sharp rise from the gray smoke and a very fine dust particles. It is as if the earth was crying in pain, the noise was loud hum forever. The stink of sulfur was hanging deep in the air. It is a very impressive night Paricutin lava volcano began giving conducted artillery attacks cornfield.

Volcano is currently embedded in the lava under Paricutin gets better-known names from the community. Was transferred to the vacant area near the village in full. Shocking, but only one casualty has been recorded in 3 Paricutin full history of the volcano occurred. Paricutin the most important movements of the volcano were observed until 1952. Currently, the volcano is about 424 meters above sea level depends. Since that time the ash cone, has been calm.

In the first eight years, lava has been generated smooth, about 25 km area of land available, only covers the exchange. On the other hand, was held in 1952, the latest eruption, which has become recognized as one the most explosive and cruel. At best the land of Mexico, volcanic activity, scientists have known that at the entrance of the new volcano flabbergasted. But the birth of volcanologists and scientists, have given opportunities to learn life and death of volcanic Paricutin. Death of the volcano, and its eradication, and thus includes the conclusion of the eruption.

Brutal death inhaling volcanic ash some 4,000 farm animals and has killed about 500 head. Many staff were swept out corruption boring worms. As a result, people who underwent respiratory problems, too. And complete drainage away from the mountain ash rain has damaged the land block the ash dam. Since it did not have good content of ash, agricultural land is developed into a volcano near the infertile land. When volcanic activity has stopped, we return to rational plant and animal life. Paricutin mount the Michoacan has developed into a visitor attraction to be found in Mexico. Spectacular views are attracting a lot of soul. Zigzag manner, flashy black soil, nature lovers will fall in love with any of your views and quiet atmosphere and emotion. Please your update info on northern lights.
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